Sunday, December 27, 2009

Almanzo ate four large helpings of apples 'n' onions fried together.

Stupidest idea I ever had? Eat like I'm living in Little House for a year. Secondary idea I had that I realized was actually practicable? Eat like I'm living in Little House for a week.

Armed with the Little House Cookbook and other resources, this will be coming soon. And I won't limit myself to heart-shaped cakes, fried potatoes, cambric tea, and other such "safe" foods, I promise. (Likely I will even eat some meat.) My first thought was just to create random menus from all foods available, but I could also feature one book each day (which would make it eight or nine days, of course), or just make sure that I did eventually eat from all of them, or something else. I doubt I will try to replicate any actual full meals, because I have different needs, but you never know.

If you have any suggestions or requests for specific foods, let me know. Or if you would like to join in a Virtual Dinner Party sometime. I did this once with Laurie and Kathleen, where we all made waffles for dinner one night, hundreds of miles apart. And once I sponsored a Meat Pie Monday with my Betsy-Tacy friends, where I donated a can of food to a food pantry for every person who agreed to make a meat pie on a particular night (it's a Thing from Betsy's Wedding). Several others matched my donations, and in the end, hundreds of cans were donated. Anyway, my point is that virtual dinner parties can be a lot of fun. So if you have a hankering for fried codfish balls, bean porridge, or corn dodgers, be in touch.


Wendy said...

Am already raising questions and having debates with myself. Is it really fair to include Farmer Boy? How much of this am I actually going to cook, considering that I currently never cook on days when I work? I mean, I could just buy some cans of baked beans and say that that counts, vs. soaking/boiling/baking for 4-8 hours... and I could just buy containers of cottage cheese and make them into balls instead of attempting the scary process outlined in the book. Is this a cooking project or just an eating one? I'm not sure yet.

Unknown said...

This sounds like the kind of thing we should put Dan in charge of. Then we just show up hungry and take notes.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like lots and lots of fun, but yes, I understand the internal debates.
Maybe just pick a few things you've always been curious about and pledge to try them within a certain length of time?
Farmer Boy may need to be its own separate challenge. . .
And I would totally be on board for a virtual dinner party!

Wendy said...

No, no, it will definitely be all Little House for at least a week; it's the full experience I'm going for. (I've cooked lots of the dishes in the past.) And if it's successful (that is to say, fun), there could be more theme weeks in the future: Betsy-Tacy, All-of-a-Kind Family, etc etc etc...

Tina's Blog said...

An interesting idea...personally, I think I would want to eat like Farmer Boy....they seemed to always have an abundance of food unlike the Ingalls'.