Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bookstore Birthday

University Book Store is where I learned to work in the world of children's books. As a parttime children's bookseller twelve years ago I learned, under the tutelage of professionals like Tonyia Vining and Duane Wilkins, about the world of books beyond just What I Like to Read--the world I live in now, as a middle school librarian.

University Book Store is where I buy my books. It's where I buy birthday presents, wedding presents, and new-baby gifts (wonderful board books, like Peek-a-Who by Nina Laden and Lola at the Library by Anna McQuinn).

University Book Store, which was already my favorite bookstore in Seattle, won my heart with its booksellers' devotion to recommending my husband's first book, Hungry Monkey, when it was published in 2009.

University Book Store is celebrating its 110th birthday. If you're in Seattle, the party is Sunday, January 10 (that's today, as I type) during store hours (12-5).

To celebrate UBS has published 110 stories, each 110 words long, by 110 local authors. A lot of great young adult and children's authors--Peg Kehret, Lensey Namioka, Deb Caletti, Chris Crutcher, Karen Cushman, Carl Deuker, and Justina Chen--contributed stories.When you buy a book by one of these authors (in store or online), you will receive your own copy of 110/110. Take a look online, or get your own copy of this unique collection. It's part of 110 years of encouraging, celebrating, and selling books by local authors and illustrators.

Great post from Bookstore People about University Book Store


Tina Laurel Lee said...

I buy gifts at my local bookstore too. Nice post.

Caroline said...

This is such a great post, and 110/110 is a wonderful idea. I will definitely be checking out this book store!

Kara Parlin said...

It's wonderful to hear of a local shop that's been in business for so long. It seems like they are still doing well.

I think highlighting local authors/illustrators is a great way to differentiate from the mass market stores. I enjoy frequenting local businesses that keep an eye on local happenings, especially in this kind of economy!

Kelly Polark said...

I love how they are publishing a book with local authors!
Whenever I give gifts, a book is usually part of the gift, too!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, 110/110 is a wonderful and original initiative! It makes me wish that more bookstores were able to do the same on special occasions. It's an innovative way to showcase local authors.

Thank you for sharing.

Kathy B. at forwordsbooks said...

110 years! that is HUGE. There should be an award for that. I love that 110/110 idea as well. Probably the reason they have been in business so long - they are creative geniuses.

Megan Frances Abrahams said...

Great promotion idea - supporting local bookstores and local writers. Love Seattle too. Hope to visit again soon - I'll try to stop by University Book Store.

Robin Gaphni said...

I just found your blog on the comment challenge. I'm a fellow Seattlite (well actually Bainbridge Island). I love University Book Store, although I do most of my shopping these days at Eagle Harbor (another independent).
Great blog!

Anonymous said...

I just found this blog through the Comment Challenge. It's so nice to shop and advertise for our local non-chain bookstores. Your store sounds like a true gem.


Anna said...

hi laurie! it has taken me awhile to view this post you told me about at the 110/110 party, but we are so touched by all these nice words. thanks for all your continued support!

-anna (from events at ubs)

Miss Pippi said...

110 books is such a great gift to the community! Thanks for sharing.